Alexander Ledezma

Alexander Ledezma

My name is Alexander Ledezma but everyone just calls me Alex for short, I am a senior and this is my first year as a part of the YFMS as a videographer. I am excited to be a part of the film crew because working with cameras has always been interesting to me and I love cinematography in films. I am excited to be able to work with cameras and be able to learn how to capture beautiful shots in our films for you guys to see.

Some things about me are I love to listen to music in my free time and watch my favorite shows or movies. Some of my favorite music I listen to are Rock, Alternate hip hop, and Rap music, but I also love to listen to a lot of different music. Some of my favorite films I love to watch are Tennet, Interstellar, Blade Runner 2049, and John Wick. My favorite shows are The Boys, Invincible, and The Office. I like going on walks with my dog and I like to take him to the park to play catch with my dad. One of my favorite places to be is in nature and going on hikes, but the thing I love to do most is spend time with my girlfriend! I was a part of the football team and this was my first year playing with the team, Football has always been a big sport to me and I have played it all my life, watching football with my dad is something that I always love to do. In college, I want to study criminalistics but I am also interested in other classes like Music and FIlm.
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Alexander Ledezma