Gabriela Cheluca

Gabriela Cheluca, Photographer

Hi, my name is Gabriela Cheluca or I also go by Gaby. This is my first year in YFMS and my time here has been great. I really like how this club has made me experience more about digital art, animations, photography, and much more. Being in this club made me try amazing projects I have never done before. This media group has allowed me to be creative and to freely express ideas. I really enjoy my time on this team even though I've only been here for a short bit of time. This club taught me good things about many things in the media category and I really enjoy being in this club.

          I am currently a junior in high school and am someone who likes to be creative. When it comes to arts and crafts I like to be colorful and do things neatly instead of it being messy. I try my best to participate in school events. For instance, I'm a flyer on the JV Cheer team and I'm treasurer for the French club, and an active member of The Young Film Makers Society. I’m someone who’s known to be kind, loyal, and trustworthy. Some hobbies I have are reading, listening to music, going out for walks, or hanging out with friends or family members. When I grow up I want to be in the photography industry. Photography is something I have liked since I was young because it allows me to be creative with pictures and it can sometimes calm me down. Something I really like about photography is the different photos you can take and it's amazing how someone can take amazing photos of an object or person. I have a strong work ethic and always try my best in what I do.

      To sum things up, my time in this media crew has already helped me to realize what I want to do when I’m older. I like how the different projects make me understand how much work can be put into something. I enjoy the different fun memories I have with my classmates. This club allows me to be free and myself with my creativity and many more things. I hope in the future I get to learn and experience more fun stuff I can't wait to share my projects and work with the Santiago viewers.

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Gabriela Cheluca